At This Rate, I'm Gonna Come..." -The Warden's Relentless Pat-Down-

Alternative:"At This Rate; I'm Gonna Come..." -The Warden's Relentless Pat-down- ; "At This Rate… I’ll Cum… " The Guard’s Persistent Body Exams Caught Up in Prison with No Escape ; 「このままじゃ…イク…」看守の執拗な身体検査; Amai Choubatsu - Watashi wa Kanshu Sen'you Pet
AuthorShow Izumi
Updated:Feb 27, 2025 - 3:45 PM
Rating: rate : 3.09/ 5 - 11 votes


Hina is locked up in prison after being framed for a crime she didn't commit. There, she meets the cold and cruel warden Aki Myojin. She's at the mercy of his delicate touch and ravishing tongue everywhere: in the examination room, her cell, and even in the visiting room - with her lover watching! Bit by bit, her body is disciplined to give in to Aki Myojin!